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exchange club center
parenting education for the prevention
of child abuse and neglect
Guardian Angel Home Exchange Club Center (ECC) opened in 1985 through an agreement with area Exchange Clubs including, but not exclusive to, the Lockport and Joliet clubs. It is a project of the National Exchange Club Foundation for the Prevention of Child Abuse.

The Exchange Club Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse at Guardian Angel Community Services in Joliet’s aims to break the cycle of child abuse through identification, prevention, and services. The Exchange Club Center will act as an educational and resource center for the communities in our area. Services offered include:
Community Based Education Parenting Program
Parent Coaching
The Nurturing Families Infant-19 Parenting Program
Car Seat Education and Installation services
Prevention Education & Institutional Advocacy
Fees for Services: There is a one-time $150.00 fee for the Community Based Education parenting classes. If clients are unable to pay prior to the initial class, a mutually agreed upon payment plan is established. The client is however, required to pay for the class in full prior to being provided with their certificate of completion. Scholarships may be offered if funds are available. Parent coaching for reunification is billed at a rate of $20 per hour coaching session. Payment can be made directly by client prior to each session, or can be billed monthly to referring agency. Nurturing Families Program Infant-19 is offered free of charge to qualifying clients through DCFS contract. ECC staff is responsible for submitting and entering billable time into the appropriate DCFS billing system for services rendered. Car Seat Education and Installation sessions are offered free of charge, with a suggested donation of $15 per session.
for service
Parenting education services promote self-sufficiency and self-efficacy by building on family strengths and addressing topics related to positive personal functioning and development, as appropriate to the needs of the service population. Eligibility is determined by the following referral sources: Self-referral, Department of Children and Family Services, community agencies, other social service agencies, other professionals and the Will County Courts.

For general inquires please contact AnnMarie Scheiper , Program Manager at 815-729-0930 ext. 1451 or amscheiper@gacsprograms.org