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Partner Abuse Intervention Program
Support & education for the
development of healthy relationships
The Partner Abuse Intervention Program (PAIP) was established in 2010. The program plan and proposed program outline, data collection forms, and program policies and procedures were developed and submitted to the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Community Health and Prevention Services Division. After a review by the Division Director and the IDHS Board, the proposed protocol and associated documents were approved upon first review on March 19, 2010. The initial focus of Guardian Angel Community Services’ program was on working with male perpetrators of abuse against women with whom they are or were in an intimate partnership. This was expanded to include a group for females who commit acts of intimate partner violence in 2013.

PAIP provides perpetrators of domestic violence with appropriate and effective services so they will recognize and accept accountability for their actions, while maintaining a focus on victim safety. Clients are encouraged to change beliefs that support sexism and domestic violence, value egalitarian relationships, and develop skills to help them eliminate the use of abuse in all forms.
The program consists of two main services:
Group Sessions (26 classes, approximately 2 hours in length each)
Crisis Intervention
Information/Referral Services
Fees for Services: PAIP services have fees based on a sliding fee scale that are paid by the clients or referring agencies.
for service
PAIP serves perpetrators of intimate partner domestic violence. This includes convicted offenders, those who would have been convicted had they been prosecuted, arrested, or reported, and those who refer themselves to the program and are assessed to be abusive in their relationships with their partners. The program serves adult male perpetrators through groups in English and Spanish; women are served only in English at this time. PAIP maintains the goal of developing other specialized groups when the need is identified. Clients may be court-mandated, agency mandated, or referred by mental health, themselves, or their partners. PAIP will accept referrals from external sources. Staff will contact the referral to identify her/his interest in the program.
Services are provided without regard for race, ethnicity, religion, age, class, physical, mental, or emotional disability. Protocol requires that separate groups be established for male and female clients.
If the individual is assessed to be the victim, and not the perpetrator, of domestic violence, the client will be referred to victim services through Groundwork and other appropriate victim service providers. Staff will provide referrals for all presenting issues.

For general inquires please contact Lisa Baugh, Program Manager at 815-729-0930 ext. 1451 or lbaugh@gacsprograms.org