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Foster care
nurturing and safe homes for children,
foster home licensing and supportive services
In the spring of 1896, the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate began to discuss the establishment of an institution for the care of children that were orphaned. The sisters had purchased a small cottage behind their Motherhouse in 1896. On May 20, 1896, Archbishop Freehan gave his approval. It was that small house which became the first Guardian Angel Home when, on October 19, 1897, the first orphans moved into the small cottage under the supervision of Mother Mary Lucia Raub, the first administrator of the Guardian Angel Home. Through the years, this system of caring for children in need has evolved into our modern-day Foster Care Program.

The goal of the Foster Care Program is to ensure that placements facilitate and maintain family ties, are in the best interest of the child, and meet the provisions of the Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS) Foster Care Contract. The Foster Care Program provides:
Comprehensive Casework
Counseling for Children
Counseling for Biological Parents
Counseling for Foster Parents
Foster Parent Licensing

For general inquires please contact Erin Cohan, Director of Protective Services at 815-729-0930 ext. 1304 or ecohan@gacsprograms.org
To learn more about becoming a licensed Foster Parent, email us at fclicensing@gacsprograms.org